1) Students must be punctual. Parents should see that their ward reach the School ten minutes before School time.
2) Attendance at morning assembly is compulsory.
3) They must come in proper uniform.
4) They must carry their identity cards with them.
5) They must show proper respect to their teachers and courtesy to the other employees of the school.
6) They should be polite to one another and live peacefully in a spirit of brotherhood.
7) They must be very attentive in class and regular in doing home work neatly.
8) They must participate enthusiastically in the house meetings and other co-curricular activities and sports.
9) They must protect the School building, furniture, equipment etc. Any damage done to furniture or any other School item will have to be made good by the defaulters.
10) In all matters not covered by the rules given in the Prospectus, the Principal's decision shall be final and binding.