Scholarships are awarded to the toppers getting high ranks in Board examination as well as to the top achievers in sports.
Remedial Classes
Special and remedial classes are arranged for the weak as well as the brilliant students for improving their academic records.
Special Emphasis on Spoken English
We help our students to refurbish their skills, develop command over the language and as such enhance their overall personality. Keeping in view the increasing global recognition and importance of English language School lays special emphasis on improving the spoken skill among students. English conversation classes have been arranged to improve communication skill of the students. Students have found practice sessions quite helpful in improving their pronunciation, accent and tone. The students are helped to gain mastery over three components of English - Sound, Structure and Vocabulary. Students are also subscribe to various English newspapers through out the year. It goes without saying that communication skills are indispensable part of curriculum.
Assembly and Moral Education
To inculcate moral values in the students the School starts each working day with morning assembly and with the recitation of Veda mantras, devotional songs, patriotic songs and thought for the day. Stress is laid on the universal aspects of eternal values of Indian culture. Short speech is given by the students and teachers on a variety of subjects and important current events. The news by the students is read out daily. The assembly is dispersed after the singing of National Anthem. Havan is performed on every Monday and Dharma Shiksha books are prescribed to impart the students moral values.